Have you injured your self at sport over the weekend?
A shoulder? A Knee? An Ankle?
What to Expect:
During your appointment your injury will be assessed and a plan of management made. If you requires scans these will be organised for you and an appointment made with a specialist if required that week.
Our extensive physical therapy experience and vast specialist referral network ensure you receive a comprehensive, individualised rehabilitation program to improve your physical health.
We help you achieve your health goals safely and eliminate the frustration of daily physical pain.
Rehabilitation with us at our Menora location
Your road to recovery starts here.
- Book a 30-minute consultation with a trained professional at our modern practice.
- Depending on your requirements, we’ll arrange a specialist referral and/or develop your personalised treatment plan.
- Our friendly, qualified team work closely with you to ensure the safe, effective progress of your treatment plan.
Your treatment plan
Every treatment plan is patient-specific to suit your needs and ensure your recovery is safe and effective.
Your plan may utilise some of the following therapies and techniques.
Manual therapy
Including mobilisation, manipulation, manual stretching, massage, myofascial trigger points and dry needling.
Exercise therapy
Including tailored home exercise programs, tailored gym programs ranging from beginner to Elite Athelte and the use of our Alter-G treadmill® with walking and running programs to get you back moving sooner.
Including expert knowledge about your pain and body, how it works and how your treatment will work.
Taping techniques
Utilising rigid sports tape or dynamic tape as well as real-time and therapeutic ultrasound.
We offer Telehealth appointments
Providing effective and safe practice standards is our main objective. During times when it is unsafe for you or our team to meet face-to-face, we offer Telehealth appointments to ensure your recovery progresses safely.
How it works
From the comfort of your own home we arrange a convenient time to conduct your physiotherapy appointment via video link.
We will send you a link with clear instructions of how to join the video call.
You will require a laptop or tablet with a webcam, or a smartphone with camera to join your Telehealth appointment.
What to expect
During your assessment we will listen to your concerns and ask a series of questions so that we can understand you pain and how it behaves, and discuss any other concerns or specific needs.
We will demonstrate a range of movements we would like you to perform. Your response to these movements will help us formulate a diagnosis and personalised treatment plan.
We will conduct a comprehensive overview of your treatment plan. This will include education specific to your injury in addition to the exercises you will be focusing on for your recovery.
Is Telehealth right for me?
Get in touch via email or phone and a member of our friendly team will be able to advise if your condition can be managed virtually.
Examples of conditions we can manage via Telehealth include:
– Chronic + musculoskeletal pain (sore lower back, neck etc)
– Pre- or post-operative treatment (knee, hip, ankle, shoulder etc)
– Weakness or pain with exercise such as running, gym work or sport
How much is a Telehealth appointment?
Many private health funds provide rebates for physiotherapy Telehealth Consultations. Teleheath consultations are $50 for 30 minutes. If you require a longer consultation, please advise our reception staff.